3DWorld: News
In terms of training, few actually get the "right" training. They go to a crash course program like Mesmer f/x (which teaches you about brand X software in 3 short weeks), put together a rather weak demo reel in the same timeframe, and then hit the streets looking for a job. These people, in my opinion, have no training at all because they know nothing of the art of animation, nothing about lighting, nothing about story telling. They just "think" they know the software. The majority of the...

Viewing Comfort 3D systems for movies using polarized light cause a loss of screen brightness due to the inherent filter absorption. The polarization filter in front of the projector blocks half of the projecting light, reducing screen brightness. However, as half of all other ambient and reflected light in the theater is also reduced by the viewing lenses, the perceived contrast does not suffer excessively. The overall effect is that of wearing a pair of slightly darkened glasses in a standard movie theater,...
Technology of 3D RealD 3D cinema technology uses circularly polarized light to produce stereoscopic image projection. Circular polarization technology has the advantage overlinear polarization methods in that viewers are able to tilt their head and look about the theater naturally without a disturbing loss of 3D perception, whereas linear polarization projection requires viewers to keep their head orientation aligned within a narrow range of tilt for effective 3D perception; otherwise they may see double or...

Anaglyph 3D video We are not taking responsible for problems